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Read articles on biomedical research, patient care, theory & concept, and implementation.

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Why Innovation?

We at INNOVATION believe that innovators should have as few obstacles to success as possible. To speed you on your way, all accepted manuscripts will be published for free. No publication costs for the authors plus free open access for the readers is our equation for promoting innovators who push the envelope of discovery.

Original Research Article

Tell us about your innovation or your scientific foundation for a future innovation.

Theory and Concept

What new ideas or concepts do you think are important for us to consider in biomedical research, clinical treatment, implementation science, or any other related topic?

Implementation Article

Producing biomedical innovations is only the start of the innovation process. Tell about your research on how we get these innovations into the hands of the end users around the globe.

Applied Innovation Case Report

Show us how your or someone else’s innovation can improve clinical outcomes.

Invited Review Article

We will periodically publish special series on different aspects of the innovation-to-implementation pathway with reviews written by leaders in the field.
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“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” – Steve Jobs


INNOVATION is a journal for authors whose work pushes the boundaries of what we know about biomedical sciences and how we apply that knowledge to patient care. As such, we encourage submissions that may not fit neatly into the Editorial and Publishing Policies of other journals.
While INNOVATION Manuscripts must meet the criteria for publication described in our Editorial and Publishing Policies, we encourage Authors, Reviewers and our Editors to consider each submission in the context of innovation, which will often challenge conventional thinking. Publications in INNOVATION will be part of a new standard in biomedical research where risk-taking and speculation are given the public platform they deserve.
A Free online open access science journal from



If you need more information or further assistance.