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Part II of Theory of Form:

Self-Organizing Form by Entropy and Emergence

Alikhani Ma,b, Sangsuwon Ca, Teixeira CCc

Alikhani Ma,b, Sangsuwon Ca, Teixeira CCc

a CTOR Academy, Hoboken, New Jersey

b Harvard University, Department of Developmental Biology, Boston, Massachusetts

c New York University, Department of Orthodontics, New York, New York


Corresponding Author: 

Cristina Teixeira


Citation: Alikhani, M., Sangsuwon, C. & Teixeira, CC. “Part II of Theory of Form, Self-Organizing Form by Entropy and Emergence.” Innovation, January 2024, 2(1),1-9.


Submitted December 15, 2023

Accepted January 19, 2024

Keywords: Biological form, Entropy, Emergence, Micro-state, Macro-state, Mass form, Functional form, Variability of form, Spontaneity of form, Trajectory of the form, Self-organizing form